Did you know that 75% of the handguns stolen every day end up in the hands of criminals on the streets? Think about this for a moment...for every 10 guns stolen at least 7 end up in the wrong hands.
Do you know why these guns are stolen? They're stolen because they're not being secured. When you leave home and forget or decide not to take your handgun, and don't secure it, you're inviting a burglar to take it with them. After all, it's one of the top 3 things they're looking for when they break in. Get a decent safe to store it in when you're not there, or even when you ARE there. I say this, even though I carry one on my property to dispense of pests.
When you leave home carrying your handgun but leave it in your car when getting out. Doing this is another way to offer it up to thieves. Most car break-ins involve looking for guns and sometimes cash. There are over 1,500 guns stolen from cars yearly in Shelby County. Imagine reducing that number to 250, or even by just half. That would take a huge bite out of gun crime.
If the criminal can't get a gun, they can't commit a crime with it. There are already laws on the books that prevent criminals from obtaining guns through legal channels. However, those aren't enough because they don't prevent them from obtaining guns through illegal means. The crackhead that steals your gun pawns it to their dealer, who uses it to protect their drug business or sells it to another thug.
When a juvenile breaks into your car to obtain your gun, they either sell it or provide it to an associate or they use it to carjack an unsuspecting victim, thus, keeping the never ending saga going.
We complain about gun crime in Memphis. WE are the ones who have the power to reduce it by denying access by people who shouldn't have them. Get a secure gun safe for your vehicle. Bolt and/or weld it to the frame of your vehicle either in the trunk or under your seat, where they'll have a really hard time getting to it. Get a cable that can go around the frame of the seat but not long enough to pull out from under the seat. It'll deny the thief easy access to try to cut it. When storing your handgun at home, either put it in a safe that they can't haul away or have one bolted that they can't run off with. The longer it takes them to get to it, the less likely they are to take it.
This will not completely eliminate the number of guns used in crimes but, it sure can't hurt. At the very least, you'll save yourself the time and hassle of having to file a report, make an insurance claim and the cost of buying a new gun.
Don't forget, 901 FT has FBI/NRA certified instructors to train you to handle, not only your handgun, but to defend yourself in case of an attack. We also conduct Threat/Vulnerability assessments, Enhanced and Concealed Carry Permit classes, Workplace Violence and much more.
Don't Be A Victim! Defend yourself today