In Tennessee, and a few other states, residents don't need a permit to carry their handguns in public. This has mistakenly been named "Constitutional Carry" in many circles. True Constitutional Carry would mean that everyone in the state would be eligible to carry anywhere, anytime. Instead, the state Constitution reads: "It is a violation to carry a club or firearm with the intent to go armed". What the state actually did was to create certain exceptions under which citizens may carry their handguns within the state and in certain places.
On the surface, it sounds like a dream come true for 2nd Amendment advocates. One may carry their handgun when they go out without having to go through the hassle of enrolling in and taking an eight-hour permit class, having to demonstrate proficiency with their handgun by qualifying on the range, or standing in line at the DMV to get the permit.
No one can know that you actually carry your handgun and, you're able to carry your weapon anywhere you want. Except, you can't. First, if you carry your handgun without a permit and are involved in a situation, you must have the same qualifications as a person who has a permit, ie, no felonies, no domestic violence history, mental illness, etc. If they have cause to check your background, you will be charged.
The next thing is where you can carry it. By choosing to carry your handgun without a permit, you are giving up some of the freedoms you have by having a permit. You cannot carry in parks, on greenways, rest areas, etc. You also cannot carry in some of the other 18 or so states that allow permit less carry. Some of them only allow residents of the state to carry without permits. Georgia is an example. When you travel to Chattanooga, TN, you have to go through part of Georgia to get there. Georgia has permit less carry, but only for citizens of Georgia. They do not recognize Tennessee permit less carry. If you are a Tennessee resident, you will need your permit, which they do recognize. Without it, you are charged under Georgia law.
The next issue is proficiency. When one takes an enhanced permit class, they have to demonstrate proficiency with their handgun. They will sit through a classroom portion that covers legal do's and don'ts, liability and scenarios, demonstrating when to use their handgun and when not to. They also must demonstrate the ability to use their handgun. These things provide training that many would not ordinarily have by just buying a gun and carrying it.
At 901 Firearms Training, we believe strongly in the Second Amendment. However, we just as strongly believe that people who choose to carry, should have the training necessary to demonstrate proficiency with their handguns. They should know more than "Tennessee has a Castle Doctrine" and there's "no duty to retreat". The misunderstanding of these laws by armed citizens is commonplace and, dangerous.
Many of you may know everything about handguns, how to safely store them (or not to store), how to maintain them, methods of carry, how and when to use them. That's great! I'm happy that you have taken steps to learn so much. BUT, don't you owe it to yourself to be able to carry your handgun in more places and states? Get the most out of your Second Amendment rights. Get the training that will allow you to exercise those rights fully.

We offer permit classes, seminars and workshops on a regular basis. Our staff consists of Veterans and retired LEO's who are more than qualified to teach their subjects. Each of them has decades of experience and training to draw from. When you book with us, you can be confident that you will get the best training available. However, our highest wish is that you DO get trained, no matter where you do it.