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Writer: Buddy SmithBuddy Smith

There are over 60 Active Shooter Incidents yearly in our country. That doesn't sound like a lot when you think of how many cities there are and how many targets there are. There are slightly over 19,000 incorporated "cities" in the US.

However, those are the Active Shooter events that actually occur. This does not take into consideration how many were prevented by either heightened security or the knowledge that there were Armed Citizens present who could respond and neutralize a threat when it presented itself.

Whether you are an Armed or Unarmed Citizen, your survival (and the survival of others) is dependent upon how you respond to an Active Shooter. You, as an Armed or Unarmed Citizen, in an Active Shooter Event, have a responsibility to yourself and your family to survive. I'm sure by now, you have heard of Run, Hide, Fight. Today, it's called other things like Avoid, Deny, Defend, but it's basically the same.

For those of us who are Armed, we sometimes have a different approach to threats. We sometimes feel that we should hunt the killer and neutralize them. This is heroic. However, responding to an Active Shooter without the proper training is like trying to ride a Professional Rodeo Bull without training, or throwing on a football helmet and shoulder pads and playing in an NFL football game without ever having seen a football game. Your chances of survival are slim at best.

There are so many variables in an Active Shooter Event, such as multiple shooters, multiple weapons, panicking victims, other Armed Citizens trying to respond without proper training, etc. that can cause more chaos and casualties. By taking Active Shooter Training classes, you can learn techniques to increase your chances of surviving and prevailing in an encounter with one or more Active Shooters.

For the Unarmed Citizen there are things you should know also. Run, Hide, Fight is only the acronym for surviving the event. If you're going to Run, you should try to get others to go with you. However, what should you do if they refuse or are frozen with fear? If Running is not an option, where do you Hide? What happens if you are cornered and must Fight to survive? How do you get as many others as possible to help neutralize the Shooter? Are you trained in "Stop the Bleed" techniques or First Aid/CPR?

In today's environment, we can no longer bury our heads in the sand when it comes to the violence that occurs every day. Each and every one of us is subject to either find ourselves in an Active Shooter situation, or be in the vicinity of a violent crime in which multiple people are killed or injured in a violent crime. Our Active Shooter Classes will teach you common sense, proven techniques to the above situations and more. We have classes for Unarmed and Armed Citizens, which delve into ways to not only survive, but to save lives during these events.

Find yourself a class, even if it's not one we teach at 901 Firearms Training Academy. If you want a list of instructors in our area, you can email us and we will provide you one. Our name will be at the top of the list, of course. However, it's more important to us that you get the training than it is for you to get it from us.

For Your Survival



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